Chapter 4 Gatsby’s Trait

Nick describes Gatsby’s appearance and attitude as “peculiarly American”.  Nick says this while he is looking at Gatsby leaning on his car. Nick also tells us that Gatsby was never just standing still. Gatsby’s trait connects with the idea “the American dream started to take on a new meaning;no longer was the dream to find safety and security but to acquire the largest amount of material possessions possible” because of Gatsby’s attitude and appearance that shows he has money. Nick points out that Gatsby is leaning on a very fancy car that was distinctly differnt in appearance from most cars. Nick also says that Gatsby’s “peculiarly American” movement comes from, “the absence of lifting working or rigid sitting in youth”. He is saying that Gatsby’s appearance and attitude is from a lack of work so his appearance and attitude clearly show his large amount of material possessions.

Myrtle Wilson

In New York Tom pays Myrtle a copy of Town Tattle and a moving picture magazine at the news stand. At the drug store he buys her cold. Team and a small flask of perfume. The last thing Tom buys Myrtle in this chapter is a puppy. Myrtles behavior changes from the garage to New York by her becoming more of a follower than a leader. At the garage Myrtle was bossing George around. But when she went with Tom she immediately did what he asked her to do by getting in the train. She also was always asking for new things when she was with Tom. She was also more confident when she got back to the apartment in New York. This suggests that Myrtle likes Tom mostly for his money and takes advantage of that and the fact she can get away from her husband.

Prohibition and Harlem in the Jazz age

From reading chapter one I think that Fitzgerald’s depiction of the time period is some what consistent. Fitzgerald is consistent with the economic boom of the 1920s. He writes all about the money people have and the fancy things. Fitzgerald has the narrator Nick Carraway describe Tom’s house, “Their house was even more elaborate than I expected, a cheerful re-and-white Georgian Colonial mansion, overlooking the bay.”(6). The description of Toms house shows that Fitzgerlad depiction of the 1920s inconsistent when talking about the economic boom in the 20s. From reading the article about prohibition and Harlem in the jazz age, Fitgerald is not conciseness with the depiction of the 1920s in these ways. The article about the Harlem in the jazz age explains, “While characters in The Great Gatsby moved to New York from the Midwest, thousands of African Americans simultaneously migrated north.” The Great Gatsby reflects the huge migration of people to the north but it does not focus on the Harlem jazz age so far. Because of this, Fitzgerald is not consistent with my knowledge of the 1920s.

Gatsby chapter one response

Nick’s advice from his father is “Whenever you feel like criticizing any, … just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the same advantages that you’ve had.” Fitzgerald included the advice Nick’s father gave him to show us an idea of his character and his background. This advice tells us about Nick’s life and how he grew up differently than other families. This advice tells us that Nick comes from money. This does not make him always reliable. Nick will have a different view of people who have and do not have money because he grew up with “adavatages” or money. Nick was confused and a little disgusted because he had found out from Ms. Baker that Tom has another woman and that Daisy is aware of it.Nick says he wants Daisy and her child to run away but he doesn’t understand why she doesn’t.

Anticipation Guide for The Great Gatsby

I agree with the statement that adultery is always wrong. I believe this because marriage is a commitment between both partners to stay together forever. There is no reason to be with someone else while you are married or to be with someone when they are married. If someone is married and with someone other than their partner then they need to figure out what is wrong with their marriage and they are not going to figure that out with someone else while they are married. If they are truly unhappy with their partner they should get a divorce then be with someone else. It is never ok to be with someone else while you are married, it hurts everyone in the situation.

I agree with the statement wealth can breed carelessness. Wealth comes with a bigger and stronger desire for more things. This will because someone with wealth to spend all the money they need to on this thing because they can. That is careless because they are not saving their money and buying useful things or helping people. Wealth makes them careless and they will buy anything to satisfy. People with wealth also begin to not care about the little things they have that matter to a lot of people. They are careless when it comes to the things they should be fortunate for and this is caused by wealth.   

Walden Quotes

Quote: “I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

Thoreau is explaining why he went to Walden pond. He said he wants to live his life with only the essentials. He wanted to learn from life and not regretting he had lived more. To me, this quote means that people need to learn from life rather than being too afraid to make a mistake. i take this quote as saying if you do not live and learn you will regret not living your life fully. One of my friends last year did not want to try out for the basketball team because she was afraid of making a mistake or not making the team at all. This is the exact situation Thoreau was talking about. He does not want someone to live like this and not live their life fully.

Quote: “Instead of three meals a day, if it be necessary eat but one; instead of a hundred dishes, five; and reduce other things in proportion.”

Thoreau is emphasizing that society uses too much of everything. He wants people to only use what is necessary or essential to survive. Some of his ideas are a little extreme but his point is clear. I think that Thoreau is trying to tell people that we really do not need all the things that we have. By reducing certain things we use everyday, we would be using what was essential to survive and we would not longer take advantage of the things we have. My mom’s cousin has very similar views to this. She using organic everything and reduces her car use to save money and gas and she uses only recycled things because that is what she believes is essential.

Quote: “Perhaps it seemed to me that I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any time for that one.”

Thoreau is explaining why he suddenly left Walden Pond. He wanted to start a new chapter in his life. He did not want to do the same thing every day. He was ready to move in his life. I take this quote as saying that we have different parts or chapters in life. You can not spend too much time in one life or focusing on one thing. There is so much more in life and you have to experience it all. I was really stressed about a school project recently and it was all I could think about for weeks. It took over my life. Then once it was done, I felt like a new part of my life was starting. It was over and I could move on and focuses on other things in my life. I think this is what Thoreau s emphasizing in this quote.

Tell Tale Heart and Spongebob

One similarity between the Tell Tell Heart and the spongebob episode is the way Mr. Crabs and the narrator experience their guilt. Mr. Crabs hears the squeaking of the boots which leads him to confess to stealing them. The narrator hears the constant beating of the heart which a lox leads to his confession. Another similarity is where Mr. Crabs and the narrator put the thing they are hiding. Mr. Crabs puts the boots under the floorboards in the Krusty Krab. The narrator in the Tell Tale Heart buts the corpse under the floor boards in the mans room. The last similarity between the Tell Tale Heart and the spongebob episode is that both their guilt drove them to confess. The constant beating of the mans heart drove the narrator crazy until he confessed to the murder. The same thing happened to Mr. Crabs, the constant squeaking of the cheap boots he stole drives him insane until he confesses and rips the floorboards open like the narrator in the Tell Tale Heart. These are a few of the similarities between the Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and the Spongebob episode we watched.


Imagination is important because its gives people a change to believe in something that may not be real or may not happen. Without imagination people would not grow up with goals or dreams. Imagination lets people think about whatever they want to happen. Imagination also allows people to aspire to that goal or dream. It is especially important to use your imagination when people are young. If you do not have an imagination when you are young then you will not have dreams and goals to aspire to. Without goals and dreams people will not want to succeed as much in life. This why imagination is important and when you should have imagination.

Imagination is present in the whole film Big Fish. Edward Bloom uses his imagination to exaggerate his life to his son. He does this so his son will have dreams and goals to aspire to. The stories about Edward Bloom’s life are all his imagination and his uses imagination to create a relationship with his son and to express himself. Will and Edward’s lives would be different because Edward would not have been able to express himself. Also if there was no imagination in Will and Edward’s relationship they would have an ordinary relationship. Even though Will did not like Edward’s stories when they got older, everyone needs imagination in order to have a fun life and relationship.      

1970s Overview

I think Star Wars best represents the overall feeling in the 1970s. Star wars was the kind of movie that the audience really got into. They would be completely involved in the characters problems and they were interested in the fact that Star Wars was a whole different world. People in the 70s wanted to escape the problems of the 70s. Star wars best shows that feeling of the 1970s by showing that people of the 70s were looking for something else to worry about and get involved in. They needed Star Wars to forget about all the problems with the Vietnam War and the Hostages. Star wars did just that and allowed the people of the 1970s to escape and it gave them something positive to talk about and be involved in. 

I think Apocalypse Now best exemplifies the 1970s. Apocalypse Now focuses on the Vietnam War which is what most Americans were concerned with. Even though the movie came out after the war had ended it still exemplified the feel of the 70s. Some Americans during the war felt it was a waste of time and money. They also were worried about the lives that were being lost during the war. Apocalypse Now confirms all these feelings the protesters against the war knew. The movie shows people concerned with the war but it also shows what the soldiers were doing. It points out the soldiers were just kids and that they did not care about the war. Apocalypse Now shocked many Americans but they still acknowledged the fact that the war was really like that and thats how Americans felt towards the war during the 70s.     


My perfect life would be a stress free life. Everybody has to be relaxed and should not have to stress over anything. Not school, work, money, looks, or any expectations other people have for you. Everyone should be able to work in their office or their work environment without having to stress about the next due date or next presentation. You should be ab,s to relax and get things done when they get done. This should be the same with school work, you do what you can and get it done when you get it done. You should not have to stress about about a chemistry test and two term papers at the same time. As long as you get it done before the end of the school year that should be good enough for your teachers or boss. People should not be stressed out about all these things at once. Absolutely no one should stress out about the way they look. Looks do not matter, you may think they do but they don’t. If there was no stress about the way people looked everyone would be able to relax and feel more comfortable. There also should not be any stress about the expectations other people have for you. You should do what you want to do. Whether it’s go to college, get a job out of high school or go serve your country it should be your choice and you should not stress out about it. 

a positive affect of this life is that people would be able to enjoy themselves more. Without stress people will get more sleep, feel benter about themselves and just be all around a more joyous person. When you have nothing to stress about you can sleep easier at night and maybe sleep in a little bit in the morning. People will be able to see their friends and family more and not have to rush off to finish a essay lr get ready for a presentation for work. The negative effect of this life is that people may not be motive aged to get things done. Everyone will wait until the last minute to do everything and Nothing will get done.